Recommendations For Indonesian Tourist Destinations To Become The Most Popular Holiday Destinations For World Celebrities – It’s no longer a secret that the charm of Indonesia has always been the target of many foreign tourists. Not only ordinary tourists, but also celebrities and world celebrities are attracted to the charm of Indonesia. Obviously this adds “selling value” to Indonesian tourism, because it is often a holiday destination for world-famous celebrities. This indirectly proves that Indonesia’s natural beauty has enormous potential to continue to be developed. In order to attract the attention of tourists visiting Indonesia, it will also have an impact on the creative economy in the tourist area. Starting from being used as a Hollywood film location, to becoming a holiday destination for world leaders, here are the tourist destinations in Indonesia that have been visited by world celebrities: Moyo Island One of the natural tourist destinations in West Nusa Tenggara and often mentioned NANA4D as a hidden vacation spot for world celebrities. Several world celebrities who have vacationed on Moyo Island are Lady Diana, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, and even David Beckham.

Moyo Island is very charming with very exclusive natural beauty. This island has several leading tourist destinations, including: Mata Jitu Waterfall, Senggalo Waterfall, Tanjung Pasir Beach, and many more. Interestingly, Mata Jitu Waterfall on Moyo Island is famous for its nickname “Queen Waterfall”. This mention emerged because Lady Diana had visited this tourist destination. This waterfall is special because it has many stalactites and stalagmites that decorate the surface of the waterfall. Mount Merapi The actor who plays the Queen of Atlantis in the film Aquaman, Nicole Kidman, witnessed the beauty of Mount Merapi in a different way. Situs Toto Coming in 2013, Nicole Kidman went on holiday to Yogyakarta and took part in the Merapi Lava Tour, she even listened intently to the story about the eruption of Mount Merapi from the tour guide. Nicole Kidman’s chosen tourist destination is famous for its powerful eruption story. Tourists who come can witness firsthand the ferocity of the remains of Mount Merapi’s eruption through this Merapi Lava Tour. Apart from the tour exploring former eruption locations, in the Mount Merapi area tourists can also visit the Mount Merapi Museum, The World Landmark Merapi Park and The Lost World Castle.

Seorang wisatawan tengah menelusuri pemandangan di kawasan Bukit Campuhan, Ubud, Bali. (Foto: Shutterstock/Breslavtsev Oleg)


It seems that the name Bali has always been widely known to world celebrities because of its natural beauty and culture, right? Even more impressive, several tourist destinations in Bali have also been used as filming locations for the Hollywood film, “Eat, Pray, Love”, starring Julia Robert. Some of the destinations used as filming locations for the film “Eat, Pray, Love” include: Ubud Art Market, Monkey Forest, Tegalalang, Padang Padang Beach, and Ketut Liyer’s House. Apart from Julia Robert, several world celebrities who have visited Bali are Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, and King Salman’s entourage from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Borobudur Temple

It is the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia with the splendor of the building and high philosophical values. It is not surprising that Borobudur Temple has attracted the curiosity of several world figures, such as America’s 44th President Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Gere, David Beckham, and Maria Sharapova to visit. The arrival of these world figures is not surprising, considering that Borobudur Temple is also known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World in Indonesia. Borobudur Temple has 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. This makes Borobudur Temple one of the most complete temples with the most reliefs in the world.

Komodo Island

The beauty of Komodo Island seems to be able to attract anyone, including Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays Pepper Potts in the film Iron Man, to MotoGP racer Valentino Rossi. One of the highlights of Gwyneth Paltrow’s holiday on Komodo Island was trying out the thrill of living on board, aka living on a pinisi boat amidst the blue and clear waters around Komodo Island. Apart from enjoying natural beauty, on this island tourists can also see Komodo dragons directly. This ancient animal species is thought to have existed for hundreds of years.

Gunung Leuser National Park

In 2016, the beauty of Indonesia’s flora and fauna also called Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio to visit Gunung Leuser National Park. Located in Aceh Province, this national park is included as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Gunung Leuser National Park is one of the largest flora and fauna protected areas in Southeast Asia. This tourist destination is home to more than 4,000 types of living plants, 84 types of mammals and 380 birds. What’s even more interesting is that Gunung Leuser National Park is also the natural habitat of Rafflesia Athegensis and Rafflesia Zippelni.

Mentawai Islands

The star of the film Fast Furious, the late Paul Walker, also traveled to Indonesia. This famous actor spends time channeling his surfing hobby in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra. The Mentawai Islands are known as a surfing paradise. Directly facing the Indian Ocean, the Mentawai Islands have beautiful waves that tempt world-class surfers. Some surfing spots in the Mentawai Islands include Masokut Island, Siberut Island, Sipora Island and Sikakap Island. What’s even more amazing is that every year the Mentawai Islands also often hold international scale surfing events. Those are 7 tourist destinations in Indonesia that have been visited by world celebrities. Have you visited any destinations?

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