– Kota Garut menawarkan hawa sejuk di sisi utara, karena dikelilingi pegunungan dan perbukitan. Sedangkan, di sisi selatan berupa deretan pantai yang menawan. Selain keindahan alamnya, para pelancong akan disuguhi berbagai tempat wisata ramah keluarga di dekat pusat kota. Kamu dapat menghabiskan akhir pekan bersama keluarga di sekitar pusat […] –  Tokyo is one of the popular destinations in Japan. Moreover, it is now increasingly crowded with tourists due to the depreciation of the yen. However, for tourists, the dense highways, public transportation, and long ramen queues are certainly a challenge when on vacation there. It is no wonder […] – School holidays are a moment that children look forward to, not only to take a break from teaching and learning activities, but also to fill their time with useful and memorable activities. Even though the school holidays are over, the impressions are still etched in the hearts and […]