8 Exciting Indoor Tours in Bandung for Vacationing During the Rainy Season

Hotelupwell.com – The rainy season can sometimes be a hindrance to vacationing, but that doesn’t mean you have to reduce your holiday enjoyment. Bandung, with its famous charm, offers a number of interesting indoor destinations to enjoy during the rainy season. Let’s explore some interesting options that you can enjoy in this city when the weather is unfavorable.

Bandung is known as “Paris van Java” because of its natural beauty and tourist diversity. During the rainy season, Bandung still maintains its unique charm. The cool weather and fresh air make it an ideal place for a holiday, even if it rains heavily. Apart from that, Bandung offers a variety of interesting indoor attractions, suitable for various groups of tourists. Here are 9 exciting indoor tours in Bandung.

1. Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung is an indoor theme park with various rides. This indoor tourist attraction is very famous among tourists. It offers various rides and shows that are very exciting to try.

Located in the Trans Studio Mall Bandung area, this amusement park has 20 rides that you must try. Visitors can enjoy rides such as Another World, Racing Coaster, Giant Swing, Vertigo, Jelajah, Super Heroes 4D, and others.

Quoted from the Trans Entertainment website, the entrance ticket price for Trans Studio Bandung is as follows: Monday-Friday (weekdays): IDR 200,000. Saturday-Sunday (weekends) and Holiday Period: IDR 300,000. There are also many interesting promotions that you can get if you buy tickets directly on the official website.

2. Geological Museum

The Bandung Geological Museum is an educational tourism destination in Bandung, West Java. Founded on May 16, 1929, this museum has a collection of fossils, rocks and minerals collected during fieldwork in Indonesia since 1850.

This museum building, which was originally called Geologisch Laboratory, was designed in the Art Deco style by architect Ir. Menalda van Schouwenburg and inaugurated on May 16, 1929.

Located on Jl. Diponegoro No.57, Cihaur Geulis, District. Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung City. Operational hours are Tuesday-Thursday 09.00-15.00 WIB, and Saturday-Sunday 09.00-14.00 WIB. The entrance ticket price is IDR 2,000 for students and IDR 3,000 for the general public, and IDR 10,000 for foreign tourists.

3. Gedung Sate Museum

It wouldn’t be complete if your trip to Bandung didn’t visit Gedung Sate, one of the icons of the city of Bandung. This building, which has stood strong since 1924, was built in 1920 with the characteristic neo-classical architectural design that was popular during the Dutch East Indies era.

There is a museum which holds a large collection of objects from the early days when Gedung Sate was used as a place of government and tells the history of the figures who filled Gedung Sate using interactive visual technology. Operational hours Tuesday-Sunday 9.30-16.00 WIB with entrance ticket price IDR 5,000

4. Indonesian Postal Museum

Not far from the Gedung Sate Museum there is also one museum that must be visited, the Indonesian Postal Museum, located on Jl. Cilaki No. 73, Citarum, District. Bandung Wetan, Bandung City.

The Indonesian Postal Museum itself was built on July 21 1920 with a building area of 700 square meters which stands firmly on a land area of 706 square meters. At the Indonesian Postal Museum there are several separate halls according to the objects on display such as gold letters, letters from kings to Dutch commanders and rare weighing machines.

All of these collections are divided into three major themes, namely historical collections, philately, and equipment supporting postal services. Operational hours are Monday-Friday 09.00-15.00 WIB and Saturday 09.00-13.00 WIB. It doesn’t cost you a penny to enter here.

5. West Java Monpera Museum

The West Java People’s Struggle Monument or what is often known as Monju is one of the most iconic monuments in the city of Bandung, facing directly at Gedung Sate Monju and is one of the frequently visited destinations.

Monju has an underground museum which contains evidence of the struggles of the West Javanese people, from the colonial period to the era of the DI/TII rebellion. Before entering the museum area, visitors will first be asked for identification at the monument entrance gate.

Visitors are charged IDR 3,000 for adults and IDR 2,000 for children. The operational hours of the West Java Monpera Museum are, Tuesday to Friday, open at 08:00-16:00 WIB, Saturday and Sunday open at 08:00-14:00 WIB for Mondays and National Holidays closed.

6. Panama Park 825

Want to play in the snow in Bandung City, Panama Park could be an option. There are several game facilities, especially a snowpark for playing in the snow. Other facilities include a playground for children to play, a snowpark to enjoy the sensation of snow and a game master for playing arcade games.

Operating hours are Monday-Friday 09.00 – 19.00 WIB, Saturday-Sunday and national holidays 09.00-20.00 WIB, the ticket price for this tour is IDR 115,000 for the playground and the snow ride arena IDR 80,000 per person.

7. Selar Sunaryo

Located on Jalan Bukit Pakar Timur No.100, Ciburial, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, Penyer Sunaryo can be an interesting indoor tourist attraction to visit.

The entrance ticket price is IDR 35,000 per visitor. This museum displays various creative and abstract paintings created by the famous artist Sunaryo as the owner.

Tuesdayr Sunaryo’s opening hours are 10.00-17.00 WIB every Tuesday-Sunday. Not only that, you can also enjoy the art space and available facilities such as a restaurant or cafe area.

8. Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo is one of the most famous educational tourist attractions in Bandung. As the name suggests, visitors can watch angklung performances or traditional Sundanese music here.

Not only that, visitors will each get an angklung to play. Later, visitors will teach how to play angklung. Then after the performance is finished, visitors are also invited to play together.

Saung Angklung Udjo also opened a special training place for those who want to learn angklung in more depth. Moreover, Saung Angklung Udjo has entered the international level.

Opening hours: 09.00-18.00 WIB on weekdays and 08.00-19.00 WIB on weekends.

Entrance Ticket: IDR 40,000 – IDR 100,000

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