– KBRN,Way Kanan : Air Terjun Putri Malu adalah salah satu daya tarik wisata alam yang terletak di Kabupaten Way Kanan, Provinsi Lampung, Indonesia. Air Terjun Putri Malu terletak di daerah pegunungan yang cukup terpencil, sehingga keindahan alamnya masih terjaga dengan baik. Air Terjun Putri Malu memiliki ketinggian sekitar […] – This district, known as Tape City, has many stunning natural tourist attractions. From the exotic Ijen Crater with its blue flames to the charming Tancak Kembar Waterfall, Bondowoso is a tourist destination that is a shame to miss. However, to enjoy the beauty of Bondowoso to the fullest, […] – Garut is one of the cities in West Java and is known as a city that has stunning natural charm. Garut is still a tourist destination for a number of local Indonesian tourists. Vacationing in Garut is synonymous with interesting experiences ranging from adventure and enjoying the natural […] – Backpacking is known as an affordable vacation style. There are a few things you need to prepare to ensure a fun vacation. Wise Indonesia Country Manager, Elian Ciptono, explained that the trend of backpacking holidays is increasingly popular because it offers the opportunity to travel at an affordable […] – If you’re planning a summer holiday in Spain, beware of cockroach outbreaks causing climate change. Experts at Spanish environmental organization Anecpla have warned of the risk that cockroaches will spread this summer. Anecpla also appealed to hotel, restaurant and bar managers to take action if they see the […]